Executive Coaching

CoachWorks® International, Inc. is a team of highly experienced executive coaches who facilitate sustainable results in the areas of critical and current concern for their top level clients. After years of industry experience, CoachWorks® International has a proven record in leadership development and helping clients realize solutions to the top issues concerning executives today:

  • Industry Presence (organizational, professional, personal)
  • Employee Logistics (attraction, retention, succession planning)
  • Ethics (values, guiding principles)
  • Coping with Change (reorganization, competitors, technology)
  • Complexity of Life (organizational, professional, personal)
  • Relationships (employee, stakeholder, customer)
  • Strategy (plans, vision, measurables)
  • Performance (employee, business)
  • Innovation and Competition (staying ahead)
  • Customer Satisfaction (the bottom line)

As Executive Leader Coaches, CoachWorks® partners with executives to optimize leadership performance. They are passionate about their work with the individual leader as well as his or her team, using the most technologically advanced whole systems interaction tools. As pioneers in the coaching profession, CoachWorks® uses an innovative process developed specifically to assist professionals, business leaders, CEOs and their organizations to achieve goals. A consultative coach approach allows teams to raise their standards of innovative collaboration. CoachWorks'® mission is to be a partner with leaders who want to transform their leadership abilities to bridge the gap between professional achievement, personal significance...and legacy.

The success and sustainability of any leadership development is increased with ongoing and consistent coaching that gets leaders and teams in action. Action bridges the gap between a good idea or feedback and a new sustainable and positive pattern of behavior. Executive Coaches serve as catalysts for action and change, they foster avenues for reaching new levels of behavior and they hold people accountable for accomplishing their commitments. Executive Coaching shortens the change curve for individuals so that the leader him/herself as well as the organization reach vision and goals more quickly and effectively than would otherwise be possible.


Executive Coaching Model

If you are seriously considering coaching and leadership development, there are many options available for such an initiative. CoachWorks® customizes each coaching and leadership development program based upon the needs and desired outcomes for each individual and organization.

Pricing is determined by the options and terms selected by the client. CoachWorks® will work with the client to develop a customized executive coaching program.

CoachWorks® practices Whole (or Complex) Systems Coaching, which means leadership development is not just about one-on-one coaching, but involves whole systems and processes of learning, often integrated with whole organizational systems. (Please see the Whole Systems Coaching Chart). The components described below are basic, and will most likely be found in any coaching initiative. However, many options are available.  Customized Coaching Models are developed for each client, depending on individual and organizational needs.)


Consulting and Contracting

Beginning sessions set the stage by gaining clarity around what the executive wants to achieve, commitments to action and production of results. It includes how the Coach and executive work together, understanding the standard coaching conversation and personal accountability. We also share information about how the Coach interacts with the leader (active in asking tough questions, fostering discovery, giving feedback, pointing out blind spots, having a respectful "edge" to move the executive out of a comfort zone into stretch and development areas), so that expectations of roles are clearly established.


Leadership Expectations

Along with this first session, the Coach and executive meet with his/her boss to set the stage for what is expected. Confidentiality is discussed along with establishing criteria for measurable results. The Coach also uses this opportunity to coach the relationship between the executive and his/her boss. This three-way conversation is revisited periodically over the duration of the contract to calibrate the accountabilities and benchmark accomplishments.


Interviews, Benchmarks and Assessments

During the first phase, the Coach may also conduct interviews with direct reports and team members as appropriate utilizing leadership development assessments of the executive. Pre-and post benchmarking can then track progress and outcomes. These assessments may include 360 Feedback, and competency and personality profiles.


Regular and Consistent Coaching Sessions

Using the Collaborative Conversation Model™ (a variation of the original “Coaching Conversation Model” developed by Dr.s Smith and Sandstrom, now used worldwide) the Coach creates an interactive environment in which the executive can build on strengths to "raise the bar" on performance and create action steps to accelerate their development. There are five steps in this model:

        1. Establish the agenda and outcomes for the session,
        2. Discover possibilities and decide best approach around the issues,
        3. Plan the action steps,
        4. Remove barriers that would prevent successful outcomes, and
        5. Recap, determine "what, by when, by whom" and set next meeting time.

The sessions are action oriented and collaborative. Both parties learn from each other. They are partners with the objective of having the "best" be even better.

Collaborative Conversation Model

The Coach may gather quarterly data from direct reports, team members, colleagues and manager to provide evidence of behavior changes. The Coach may also attend meetings, observe patterns of behavior (i.e., shadow coaching) then give feedback in session.

Shadow Coaching
is indicated at times in order to observe the individual's performance within a group. The Coach uses systems-behavior expertise-tow coaching) then give feedback in session.

Critical Issues Coaching
is necessary at times when something extraordinary, or out of the ordinary has occurred, or some special event has happened that needs on the spot consultative coaching. Such issues could include competitive emergencies, breakdown of communication, unusual events around direct report employees, or personal crises that impact the workplace. o determine how the individual performs in real-time interaction with others. The Coach sits quietly and non-obtrusively, observing and taking notes in order to coach privately with the individual subsequent to such an observed meeting.